Here's the thing. I've grown up with a most common name my entire life. There are only so many names and mine is pretty popular... ha. So, as I've gotten older, it's amusing to see the name similarities or identicalness I've found with the more people I've met. These tickle and confuse me simultaneously as at some point I know my old mind will start to confuse the people.
But as of late, what's even more intriguing to me is the personality similarities. I mean, please, people my whole life have had similarities and reminded me of each other. But now, living so far from home, where no one from my day-to-day live here is related to or attached to my life at home in any way, I find the personality similarities fascinating.
In the past month, I've met two people who each in their own way remind me of people from home. The first reminds me of a close, close college friend, the second of an ex-boyfriend. Both similarities are so similar, not necessarily in look or personal relationship to me, but in senses of humor, reactions to situations, speaking patterns, mannerisms... it's uncanny. I find myself utterly at a loss of words and just kind of starring at moments because I'm so confused by the feeling of seeing someone else when I look at them. And of themselves, I think they're great people... or are they? Am I seeing them, am I getting to know them, or am I confusing myself with the feelings I feel towards the people they remind me of? Most perplexing.
At any rate, I mean, I know there are only so many people in the world and things we can do and like and think and feel about situations, but isn't 24 a little early to be meeting so many people that remind me of so many other people? Shouldn't I still be meeting people who are simply people? (I mean I am, but also these double people.)
Just a little food for thought...
And, not to sound like a broken record, but I plan on writing more frequently. I think I get bent out of shape about having to have a long thing to write about, but maybe I'll try to insert some short, sweet posts in here, just so I seem a bit more reliable. :)
x's and o's, peace and love.