Monday, January 25, 2010


An honest-to-goodness grown-up blog! Alright, so I still have a Xanga, but who follows those anymore? Hardly no one it seems, so as another part of turning 24, I'm getting my feet wet in the world of adult blogging.

My blog 'html' is a tribute to one of my favorite movies, and a personal philosophy as well. I'm a sucker for new music, but also a sucker for that song you've heard so many times, you know it by the first note and are instantly brought a feeling of glee.

My blog 'title' is another personal philosophy. Ups and downs, I keep on dancing. Really though, a little more dancing could do us all some good- who doesn't come out of dancing in a better mood? The answer, my friend, is no one.

So, read, follow me, whatever. Or don't. It's your choice. Watch me stumble through my mid-twenties, both the good and bad, favorite books and movies and songs, embarrassing and awkward moments that still continue to happen to only the likes of me, and the many adventures of anyone trying to figure out who they're supposed to be, as well as what they're supposed to blog about in the adult world.

x's, o's, peace and love.

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