Wednesday, July 28, 2010

some sort of pot or kettle backtracking

From the last post, it should be noted: I do very much enjoy and like the people who did the questioning of me. And while that style of questioning irks me, it is most like bemusing to any and all who knew me in KS, as I realized post-posting that post (har?), that I have myself been the leader and have asked those questions of the lucky or unlucky ones who have stumbled into the JoCo group I was a member of, and still am really, all my life. The reassurance of having that group gave me self-confidence that I still am frequently lacking here in CT, as I sit on the other side of the table.

I said as I sat there at that table last night, that I would not move back to KS. That is not true. It's not my plan, but whatever happens, happens. And while I was happy and content and a little buzzed from my drink, I was okay here. But in the morning I woke up, and the first thing that happened, as it does many mornings, was a pang in my heart- I miss my family. I miss my parents, I miss my brother, I miss my life there. Because one life is going does not mean the other stops. It is surreal and difficult and really, really hard to miss so much that goes on with them in a day-to-day world. While moving away has truly taught me to appreciate them, at what point does it become selfish for me to continue to stay so far away?

This is a post simply stating: I like everyone. I hope everyone likes me. Your confidence irritates me when I don't have it, and I recognize how my confidence can irritate others when I did (and still do) have it.

Peace and Love, X's and O's.

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