Tuesday, December 6, 2011

the last song

I just stayed up to a ridiculously late hour to watch "The Last Song". Cheesy, poor writing. At moments, grimace-worthy acting. But, still, somehow, the message came across. Or a few.

One. Life. Live it. Do it. Don't hide, don't hesitate, don't be anyone less than the whole, great person you want to be. There is no other time, do it now.

Two. Parents are wonderful. Brothers are wonderful. Never take these people for granted.

Three. I have no idea about love. None. I was never one of those people who said "I love you" to my early teenage boyfriends. Maybe because those people never existed in my life, but I never had that. I see it in movies and I still don't quite understand it. Even now, I've never really been there. The idea of it, yeah, it's great, but... I just...

Which leads me to: faking it. I spend a lot of time lately wondering if everyone isn't just... faking it. If figuring out where you go in life and where you should be and what you should do isn't all just faking it as you go. Acting like you know what you're doing. How do you know?

Last Movie Watched: The Last Song
Last Song Played: Taylor Swift- Ours